Xanax Rehab

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Effects of Xanax Addiction

Xanax Addiction

The effects of Xanax addiction can be overwhelming and painful.

Many negative effects can be directly associated with an addiction to Xanax. This powerful drug that is commonly used to treat anxiety disorders is very highly addictive and even when used as prescribed has a strong likelihood of causing addiction. The effects of Xanax addiction may be mild, moderate or severe and could result in death if left untreated. Fortunately, there are options available to help those who become addicted to this dangerous drug to recover and rehabilitate back to a life free from drugs.

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Long Term Effects of Xanax Addiction

While short term use of Xanax may not have a profound effect on the individual taking the drug, long term use of this drug is likely to result in a higher tolerance, more problems and worst of all, a stronger addiction. Xanax addiction has many effects on the individual but the most difficult to cope with effects are likely the withdrawal symptoms that result when there is not enough Xanax taken or if none it taken at all. Long term effects include:

• Lack of motivation without Xanax
• Inability to sleep without Xanax
• Moodiness, agitation, or irritability
• Hallucinations
• Seizures
• Coma

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Effects of Snorting Xanax

Some addicts quickly find that they just can’t get the same effect from taking Xanax orally as they once did and in an effort to reach that ultimate “high” once again they resort to crushing and snorting the pills. Snorting Xanax is very dangers as the effects take place almost immediately after the drug is administered and can sometimes last hours. Snorting Xanax can cause brain damage, coma, seizures, or even death in the short term. In the long term, snorting Xanax can result in nasal blockage, sinus infections and other damage to the sinuses that may or may not be able to be repaired.

Short Term Effects of Xanax Addiction

For those who only use Xanax for a short period of time, the likelihood of tolerance building and addiction is far smaller than for those who regularly use the drug for a prolonged period of time but this doesn’t reduce the risk of the short term effects of this addiction. In the short term, Xanax causes drowsiness, lack of muscle coordination, and blurred vision and speech. For those who are intolerable to the drug, the drowsiness can lead to coma if too much of the drug is taken such as when one forgets that they took a dose and then administers another dose.

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Effects of Xanax Abuse

For those who recreationally use Xanax on occasion, the effects may not be as severe as for those who suffer from full blown Xanax addiction but there are still consequences of Xanax abuse. Many recreational Xanax abusers quickly find that they are hooked on the drug and find themselves taking more and more to produce the same effects. This is one of the first signs of addiction and should be recognized as a sign to seek immediate help. Prolonged Xanax abuse can and will lead to Xanax addiction which is a deadly condition that is difficult to cope with and even more difficult to treat so the best case scenario is to stay as far away from this dangerous medication as possible.

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