Xanax Rehab

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Effects of Snorting Xanax

Effects of Snorting Xanax

Anxiety and panic attacks are a couple of the effects of snorting Xanax.

Xanax addiction is a serious condition that is only escalated further when an addict begins to snort the drug rather than ingest it orally. Snorting Xanax can lead to brain damage, sinus problems, coma and even death and should be avoided at all cost. If you or someone you love is addicted to Xanax and you believe they crush and snort Xanax to get high it’s important to seek medical care immediately. Treatment and recovery options are available to assist individuals who suffer from all types of addiction including addiction to their own prescription medications such as Xanax.

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Physical Effects of Snorting Xanax

Physically, the body feels the rush of the Xanax within seconds of administering it if it is crushed and snorted through the nose. Unlike taking the pills orally which could take about 20 minutes to begin taking effect, snorting Xanax leads to a near immediate high from the drug. Unfortunately, the high is shorter lived when Xanax is snorted which often leads to the addict using more and more of the pills in an attempt to produce the same effects. Over time, the addict will forget how many pills they have done and this leaves them wide open to the dangers of overdosing on the drug.

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Physically, the addict will feel drowsy, relaxed, calm or otherwise sedated from the Xanax. These feelings may last about an hour or more depending on the amount of Xanax that was used as well as the tolerance that the individual has to the drug. Unfortunately, Xanax is highly physically addicting and because it remains in the body for a period of at least 24 hours post dose, the chance of tolerance and addiction developing grows with each use of the drug.

Psychological Effects of Snorting Xanax

Psychologically, the addict may feel like they are using the drug to treat their anxiety but in all actuality, as more of the drug is used the risk of a panic attack will actually increase. This is because the individual will actually panic if they don’t have enough Xanax which can lead to further anxiety problems or disorders. Depression is also common with Xanax abuse and can lead to suicidal thoughts or tendencies, uncontrollable states of manic happiness followed by sadness and other mood disorders. Xanax should not be used for a prolonged period of time due to the chemical changes that the drug actually causes to occur in the body making it difficult for an individual to actually feel good or be happy without the drug after prolonged use.

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