Medications Used in Xanax Rehab
For those who are addicted to prescription medications such as benzodiazepines like Xanax that are used to treat anxiety, various types of medications may be used in rehab to counteract the effects of the withdrawal symptoms as well as any anxiety that is felt during the detoxification phase. Medications are not always used in Xanax rehab as there is some preference toward helping patients to detox without medications in an effort to prevent them from becoming further addicted to a new drug, however in some cases, medications will be necessary to medically maintain certain health problems or conditions. The most common medications that are used in Xanax rehab are those which work to alleviate anxiety but are less addictive such as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) such as Paxil or Zoloft.
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Treatment OptionsMedications Used to Treat Withdrawal Symptoms
Various withdrawal symptoms may occur when an addict stops using Xanax. Some of these symptoms are best managed with rest and relaxation but there are certain symptoms that can also be managed rather effectively with medications. Sometimes, the shaking or tremors that occur during Xanax detox can be managed effectively by tapering off the Xanax dose rather than quitting cold turkey. While it is not always advisable to go through such a tapering off method, for some, this is the best way to manage withdrawal symptoms without adding in additional medications.
Buprenorphine is also prescribed to some patients to assist with the shakiness or tremors that are felt during Xanax withdrawal. This medication is commonly prescribed to alcoholics who suffer from DTs too. Fortunately, Buprenorphine is not much of a medication to cause addiction so it can be safely used to monitor or maintain certain withdrawal symptoms without the added consequence or potential for addiction occurring.
The Best Medication is Time
Overall, the very best medication is actually not a medication at all. Time is the healer of Xanax addiction and withdrawal and with time, most of the symptoms of Xanax withdrawal will subside or go away completely on their own. For those who do actually have a mental health issue such as anxiety or panic disorder, there are medications that are far less addictive than Xanax which can be used to moderate or control the anxiety condition. Some of the common medications to be used in place of Xanax, that tend to be less addictive and can control anxiety include Vistaril which is an antihistamine that is also used to treat anxiety and Paxil which is an SSRI used to treat mild to moderate anxiety.
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