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Xanax Addiction Withdrawal

Xanax Addiction Withdrawal

Xanax addiction withdrawal can vary depend on the person, their addiction and health.

The symptoms of Xanax addiction will last long after you have stopped taking the drug and will present themselves initially as withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can be both difficult to deal with and dangerous if they are not properly treated which is why it is really important to recognize them early on and be prepared to handle them in an appropriate and safe manner. Xanax addiction withdrawal symptoms include both physical and psychological symptoms that may be mild to moderate or could even become severe depending on the level or severity of the Xanax addiction and various other factors related to the individual and their unique needs.

Physical Symptoms of Xanax Addiction Withdrawal

Physically, the individual will likely feel a whole range of withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking Xanax. Depending on how long the Xanax was taken as well as the usual dosage that was taken, it is not uncommon for an individual to feel increased anxiety, have panic attacks or even have a seizure when Xanax is no longer taken. All of these situations can have dire effects on the recovery process and in many cases are enough to cause the individual to take the drug again in an effort to not feel the symptoms of withdrawal anymore. In fact, for most people who are addicted to Xanax, it’s the withdrawal symptoms that actually cause them to turn back to the drug even when they know the consequences and they want to quit using it. Additional physical symptoms of Xanax addiction and withdrawal include:

• Hallucinations
• Tremors
• Shakes
• DTs
• Difficulty concentrating
• Loss of memory
• Nausea
• Coma

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Psychological Symptoms of Xanax Addiction Withdrawal

For the individual who is addicted to Xanax, long after the physical symptoms of withdrawal stop to harass the individual a new world of psychological symptoms are likely to persist. The psychological symptoms of Xanax addiction and withdrawal are likely to last a period of at least a month or more depending on the severity of the addiction, the length of time that the drug was taken and the dosage that was normally taken as well as other factors. Psychological symptoms of the addiction could include increased or heightened levels of anxiety and panic attacks, uncontrollable panic or mania, periods of ups and downs with mood, and depression. Depression is one of the more serious factors here because it could cause the individual to feel suicidal or otherwise be a danger to themselves.

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