Xanax Rehab

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Xanax Addiction Signs

Xanax Addiction Signs

Looking out for different Xanax addiction signs can save your life.

Xanax, also called alprazolam, is a dangerous benzodiazepine that is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety and panic attacks. Unfortunately, even just short term use of Xanax can produce side effects and many patients find that they quickly build a tolerance to the drug which often results in Xanax addiction. Many signs and symptoms can be recognized early on as a result of Xanax addiction including both physical and psychological effects of using this drug.

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Physical Xanax Addiction Signs

Physically, those abusing Xanax are likely to suffer from labored breathing, excessive sleepiness, and a slowed heart rate. These physical signs can actually lead to more dangerous problems and are exasperated during Xanax withdrawal. In fact, the physical signs of Xanax addiction can be so dangerous when the Xanax is no longer used that, if the patient is not properly treated, death is a possible outcome of withdrawal.

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Impaired motor function, muscle weakness and dizziness are all possible with Xanax addiction. The person will feel noticeable withdrawal symptoms if they don’t have Xanax. These symptoms may include shaking, tremors, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and even seizures or coma. Because Xanax is so physically addicting, it is not recommended for long term use and should be avoided when at all possible.

Psychological Xanax Addiction Signs

Psychologically, those suffering from Xanax addiction will think that they “need” the Xanax for some reason. They may feel anxious without it, they may suffer from panic attacks without it or they just may not “feel” good. Panic attacks are the most severe form of anxiety and are treatable psychological conditions that do not require the use of Xanax. Through behavior modification and CBT, patients who were once prescribed Xanax to treat panic attacks have worked their way through the condition to a point where they no longer need medication for their anxiety disorder.

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Other psychological signs of Xanax addiction include mental confusion and difficulty concentrating. Both of these after effects of using Xanax can have very lasting effects on an individual’s well-being. For instance, if an individual addicted to Xanax is mentally confused or cannot think properly as a result of using the drug or being addicted to it they can have difficulty functioning and performing normal, everyday tasks such as driving, attending work or school or caring for a family.

Treatment for Xanax Addiction

If you or someone that you care about is addicted to Xanax, there is no better time than now to get help. Xanax addiction treatment is available in both inpatient and outpatient programs that will make every effort to help those suffering from addiction to overcome the addiction and live drug free. Xanax addiction may be a scary and difficult time in your life but help is available.

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