Xanax Rehab

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Xanax Addiction Symptoms

Xanax Addiction Symptoms

Xanax addiction symptoms can cause serious physical and emotional problems.

Prolonged use of Xanax can result in addiction which is both difficult to treat and dangerous for the individual to suffer from. Xanax, also known as alprazolam, is a benzodiazepine that is used to treat anxiety but this class of drugs just happens to be very highly physically and psychologically addicting for those who take the medication for more than just a couple of weeks. Xanax addiction can result in a number of symptoms that include increased anxiety, heightened fear, inability to sleep without the drug.

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Physical Xanax Addiction Symptoms

Tolerance is the first physical symptom that a person will feel when they become addicted to Xanax. Tolerance results when Xanax is used for a period of time and ultimately it takes more Xanax to produce the same effect as it did the first time. For some, tolerance builds very quickly which can lead to an individual rapidly becoming addicted to the drug. For others, tolerance may build more slowing which makes for a lesser chance of becoming addicted.

Some of the symptoms of Xanax addiction may be more easily recognized by others than they are by the user. For instance, a friend or loved one may notice that you are sleeping a lot more, have shaky hands or have slacked on your own personal appearance. Often times, those addicted to drugs will not take care of themselves like they once did, they will withdraw and they will avoid the ones they love to prevent them from finding out. All of these situations are signs of drug addiction.

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Emotional Symptoms of Xanax Addiction

Emotionally, you may feel upset or depressed if you don’t have Xanax. Anxiety and panic attacks may occur as a result of not having the drug or you may feel like you need to take more of the drug to prevent such attacks from occurring. These are all emotional or psychological signs of Xanax addiction. Other psychological signs of Xanax addiction include:

• Irritability
• Agitation
• Insomnia or trouble sleeping
• Mental confusion and loss of memory
• Trouble concentrating

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Xanax Addiction Rehab

Anyone who becomes addicted to Xanax is likely to have some trouble dealing with the withdrawal symptoms that so often result from this addiction. Xanax rehab centers provide patients with a safe place to recover from Xanax addiction and to get back into control of their lives. From counseling and therapy, to trust building activities, family therapy, detox and aftercare, Xanax rehab centers treat every aspect of a patient’s life and addiction to provide them with a solid foundation for recovery. If you or an individual you care about is addicted to Xanax, seek medical help immediately to prevent a dangerous situation from occurring.

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